StreamLabels is a desktop application that generates text files for stream events such as the most recent follower or the top donator. Every time an event occurs, such as a new follow, the “most_recent_follower” text file will be automatically updated. This will then be updated in your OBS Studio app and display the most up to date information on your stream.
Setting up the StreamLabels App
  1. Visit Streamlabs and download the StreamLabels App.
  2. Once downloaded, log into the app through Twitch, YouTube or Facebook.
  3. The app will tell you to Choose a directory.
  4. Create a new folder on your computer and name it StreamLabels.
  5. Choose this newly created folder as your directory.

This folder is where all of the text files will be generated and stored.


Adding StreamLabels to OBS Studio
  1. Add a Text source and name it as the event you wish to use.
  2. Press the Read from file checkbox and then press Browse.
  3. Select the text file of the event you’d liked to display from your StreamLabels folder.
  4. Adjust the text settings to your preference and save.